Budget Planner Worksheet

Personal Budget Planner Worksheet

One of the first steps that an individual or family should do before meeting with a financial planner is to prepare a budget. It is helpful to look at not only your income and expenses from previous years, but it is also important to look at what you estimate your future income and expenses will be.


It is suggested that in the first column you list your past income (or expenses) and indicate whether these are actual or estimated. In the second column, list what you are budgeting for the near future, for example, next month or quarter or year.In the third column, you can then compare your actual future income and expenses with the budgeted amounts in column two.


Budget Planner Worksheet - Income

Indicate if actual or budgeted




Indicate the time period








Cash Income




1.Gross salary




2. Interest




3. Dividends




4. Bonuses/profit sharing




5. Alimony/child support received




6. Distributions from partnerships




7. Income from outside businesses




8. Trust Distributions




9. Pension




10.Social Security








12. Proceeds from sale of investments




13. Other







14. Total Cash Income






Budget Planner Worksheet - Expenses

Indicate if actual or budgeted




Indicate the time period








Cash Expenses








2. Food




3.Household Maintenance




4. Utilities and telephone




5. Clothing




6. Personal Care




7. Medical and dental care




8. Automobile/transportation




9. Childcare




10. Entertainment




11. Vacations/travel




12. Gifts




13. Contributions




14. Insurance




15. Miscellaneous out-of-pocket




16. Furniture




17. Home improvements




18. Real estate taxes




19. Loan Payments




20. Credit card payments




21. Alimony/child support payments




22. Tuition/education expenses




23. Business/professional expenses




24. Savings/investments




25. Income and Social Security taxes




26. Other







27. Total Cash Expenses




Excess (Shortfall) of Cash Income

Over Cash Expenses







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